Welcome to Coalville Custom Beef
From our family to yours, we strive to provide our customers with the very best quality in beef products. My wife Allison and I decided early in our marriage that we wanted to be part of the beef industry and raise our children around animals. Over the past few years our daughters have been able to learn lessons that will be with them for the rest of their lives. We use the animals to teach our girls responsibility and compassion. When a baby calf is born on a cold night and has to spend the night in the kitchen the girls do their part to help make the calf more comfortable. The younger two are just getting big enough to help when we tag calves and run the cows through the chute while the older two are in charge of several different daily chores. We hope they will learn the importance of hard work and dedication as they mature and become productive citizens in our community. One of the most important lessons we believe our girls will learn is the value of life. We want our girls to learn to appreciate the lives of our animals and value the sacrifice they make to feed our world.
Our Production Process
Step OneWe own about 90 head of commercial mother cows that calve in the spring. At birth we vaccinate all our calves for a variety of common cattle diseases that we work closely with our veterinarian to determine. Our vaccination program is always changing to fit the needs of our cattle herd. We use a minimalist approach and try not to vaccinate just for the sake of vaccinating but vaccinate with purpose. We also work to maintain a proper mineral program so the cows have strong immune systems they can pass on to their calves.
Step TwoBy their mothers’ sides, our calves spend the first 6-8 months of their lives munching on mountain grass while nursing their mothers. In the fall when they reach 6-8 months of age we wean them and separate them from their mothers. Weaning is necessary to ensure the cows have adequate time to increase their body condition before the long cold winter, however it can be a very stressful time for both calves and cows alike. After some extensive research we found that a two-step weaning process makes it much easier on the cattle.
Step ThreeOnce our steers and open heifers reach a weight of 1100-1300 pounds they are marketed and harvested in a local inspected harvest facility and are processed to our customers’ preference. We have spent a lot of time researching the best methods of finishing beef and have concluded that there are several ways to fatten beef each of which have pros and cons. We have decided to leave it up to our customers on how they want their beef finished and as we build a relationship with you, we can assist in answering any questions you may have.